Jag antar att detta borde kunna intressera en del reenactors.
"Arvsfienden aims to portray a battle between the Swedish and Danish armies during the Great
Northern War. In the summer of 1709, the Swedish army under King Karl XII had just suffered a
terrible defeat at Poltava, Russia. In the fall of that very same year, the Danish King Fredrik IV decided
to take this chance and invade Skåne in an attempt to regain territory lost during the Danish-Swedish
War of 1657. What no one knows however - is that during the summer of 1709, a company of Danish
soldiers landed on the western coast of Skåne several months before the invasion in an attempt to
raise the common people against the Swedish army. The
Swedish governor in Skåne responded by sending troops
to the area, and a battle took place. This is the fictional
battle that we will portray, this is the LARP Arvsfienden."